Monday, August 14, 2006

Guitar sucks !
I started learning guitar 3 months ago. I always had this idea in the back of my mind: "one day, I will learn how to play guitar and will have a lot of fun plying the music I am used to listen to".
So one day in HCMC, I decided it was time to make my dream come true.
Ok, I never expected it would be easy. I am 26 and you do not learn as easily at that age as when you are 10 or 15. The passion is not the same and the time you dedicate to it is not the same either. I bought an accoustic guitar, Yamaha F-310, and found someone who agreed to give me classes. Hung, my teacher, is a professional musician and sings with his band in a bar that I like very much: Yoko. Through a friend of a friend, who actually also became my friend..., I got in contact with Hung and we both agreed to have classes at my place twice a week.
I love learning guitar as it is an instrument that impresses me a lot and I would love to be able to use 100%. I know I have to be more patient and give it more time. But what pisses me of is this ability I have to give up when I practice alone, at home. I am supposed to play 2 hours a day, every day. But when I start playing, after 20-30 mn, I am bored and if anything else comes in my mind, I stop playing to do something else. I am not tough enough with myself and just wish I would close my mind to anything else but guitar when I practice. I tend to think that I know enough the music piece we work on but when Hung comes at home and I start to play with him, I know deep inside I did not practice enough and I feel very insecure. Then he always ends up asking me if I practiced 2 hours a day. And because I really like him and consider him as a good friend, I cannot lie to him. He usually reminds me that guitar is a difficult instrument and it should be taken seriously. I feel like a 5 years old girl who was caught running in the garden instead of doing its homework. And I hate it. Then I start to be angry at myself and nothing good comes out. We sometime end up the class, I am very stressed and angry and I am pretty sure Hung must think I am very weird girl...
To be very honest, I am very afraid to disappoint him and that one day, he tells me he cannot give me classes anymore for whatever reason. I am scared he gets tired of me being slow and not really interesting... I know it sounds stupid but it is how I feel...
So I took a decision: I have to play 30 to 60 mn every morning before going to work and then the rest of the time at night. So I woke up at 6h30 this morning and started playing for 45 mn. And this is a big thing for me as I am really not a morning person. But if you don't push yourself, you don't do anything. So I believe I can do it and improve my skills. I just want to look back in 3 or 6 months (if I ever improve my guitar skills) and say: "I made it ! I worth the interest and I can play good and have fun, like any other instrument player".

I love quotes and I found one that fits very well this situation:
"You have to keep plugging away. We are all growing. There is no shortcut. You have to put time into it to build an audience".

I feel stupid writing about this but now that it is out, maybe it will help me to take it easy !


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