Thursday, August 10, 2006

My aunt Pascale gave me the small bag prepared by my mom, after my Grand-Mother's death. I took it but did not look in it as I knew I would not be able to restrain my tears. Instead, we kept chatting about nothing and everything. Then I went home and went straight to my room. I sat on my bed and opened the bag to see what was in it. There were couple of scarfs that my Grand-Mother used to wear. I love to wear scarf and I used to have one around my neck all the time. My Grand-Mother offered me several of them and she always knew how to pick the best colors for me ! At the bottom of the bag there was a little wooden box. I opened it and discovered 2 beautiful jewelries: one very very old silver broche representing a cross. This broche was given to my Grand-Ma by her own mother who, I believe, got it from her own mother... I could barely touch it because I was afraid of the feeling if I hold it in my hands. The second thing was my Grand-Mother's engagement ring. It is made of a central diamond with small pieces of diamonds around, on a gold ring. It is beautiful and simple. I could not believe I was holding her ring and started crying like if my heart was trying to evacuate all the sorrow and anger I stored inside me for several weeks already. Luckily, nobody was home that night and I let the tears pour out of my eyes. It took me a while to calm down and to recompose myself. I had a meeting with Winnie and Fon that night and did not want to seem sad or very down. I just did not want to talk about her that night.
Since Monday, everytime I come home, I go straight to my room and open the little box, to check if everything is there. It is a piece of her that I keep for me only, locked in this box and in my heart...

In August 30, it will be my 1-year anniversary ! 1 year already that I live in Vietnam. It is incredible to see how fast time flies. But if one asks me how long I plan to stay, I have no idea ! I know I have to stay at least 1 1/2 year more to validate my experience with Victoria but I don't know if I will make it longer... I sometimes wish I had a simple life in France with low expectations. This way I would not be disappointed by anything or anyone...

But if I look around and try to count how many new people I met and how many friends I have here, it starts to be a lot. And I already know that when I will decide to go, it will be hard to say goodbye.

But aren't we supposed to say bye one day ?



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