I think writing a blog is somehow pathetic as I end up writing everything I have on my mind and maybe I should better leave these thoughts where they are ...
Anyways, I was rereading my previous posting and thought that I did not really describe myself.
I honestly think I have a nice personality and I am a good person. I value very highly my friends, once they "passed the test". I am a demanding person as I can give a lot but need to make sure it will be appreciated and valued. I too often trusted people who did not deserve my friendship. Not that I am an extraordinary friend but I think I am the kind of person you can call in the middle of the night and talk to for hours if you have heavy stuffs on your chest. I am not judging my friends on anything they tell me and just try to be as helpful as possible. As for my family, I could give my very last penny to my friends if it can help to make a better world.
But sometimes I just feel that I am giving way more that I receive and this makes me very sad. The thing you don't want to do if you are my friend is to betrayed me. I can excuse a mistake but if I have the feeling you are playing with me, I can become very cold and hard and withdraw any kind of friendly attitude. AND I am very spiteful. I will always find a way to make you pay for hurting me... This is just the way I am, and I like it. So I won't change this part of my personality !
To come back to the guy I talked about in my previous blog, he contacted me on Saturday night... I was in Q Bar with Winnie, Andre, Idoia when my phone rang. It was him asking me what I was doing. Few messages later, he invited me to come to his place for a "relaxing" moment... Guess what ? I did not go !
I don't hear from the guy for 1 and 1/2 month and out of the blue he asks me to join him? What is that ? At 1 a.m, I sent him a message to tell him I was going home but if he really wanted to meet me, we could go for a drink the next evening. Sunday, not hearing from him (not that I expected anything, honestly not), I sent him a short message around 8 p.m asking if he wanted to go for a beer. I was expecting no answer or a short message saying no. He replied a medium-size texto saying he was having dinner with some friends and that we could maybe do that in the week. Am leaving for Sapa on Friday so I replied it was ok for me except from Friday onwards as I would be away. I think he won't contact me as he was probably feeling lonely on Saturday night and was just looking for a bit of fun. It just does not work this way for me... Am quite "traditional".... But as I said in my previous posting, I could definitely go for an affair as he has a great body and I need a bit of exercise... ;-) But honestly, if he does not contact me, it is not the end of my world. I really don't care.
What an exciting life I have !?!
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