Monday, June 04, 2007

Falling for the wrong person...

I am not the kind of person who can date someone without being madly attracted by the guy. I need to feel excitement and ... a sensation of risk.
I did not fall for anyone for a long time. Every times I dated guys in Vietnam (and there has been a few of them), I knew it was for a short time and it meant nothing to me. So I would usually be the one not following up and pushing away the guy.
But now, I am falling for the wrong person. We met at the place where I do a lot of sport and he is one of my trainers. At first, I did not pay attention as the communication was not very good between us. Actually, I think both of us did not notice the other one. But since a few weeks, we have been training together seriously and we spent a lot of time together. And every time, there is this electricity between the 2 of us. We are serious when training but it always turns into a game where the 2 of us have a lot of fun. We also started talking a lot and even if he is younger than me, he is quite mature. Ok, the final connection has not be done yet but I can tell that it could happen anytime.
So why is it the wrong guy ? Because I have the feeling that he is gonna have to leave the country soon. He recently got in trouble as he and his friends got attacked in the street. The fight turned bad and several of the attackers are in the hospital and one is in the coma. Of course, it was legitimate defense but it is not enough for the local mafia. Something tells me that he is gonna have to go away for a little while...
The thing is that I am falling in the trap of feelings and if he goes away, it will be hard for me, even if nothing is really going on between the 2 of us. I know it is weird but I am a bit stressed deep inside and don't sleep very well. I do a lot of dreams...
I just hope things will settle down by themselves.
On my side, I have to kill this feeling of attraction in order to protect myself. But what pisses me of is that for once I was allowing myself to follow my heart and it just can not work...

I think I will never be happy in love


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